Coaching & Courses

As a charity, we are dedicated to supporting the rugby community as a whole. In our experience, a great way to do this is through coaching new and old players and supporting them within the course they attend. As the charity grows we aim to continue this support in any way we can, whether that be paying for coaches or supporting volunteers in their continuing development.

Along with EPCompliance, StCRT put on a first-aid course at Plymouth Albion RFC. This course was a great help for those that attended with all now being part of multiple sports clubs throughout Devon & Cornwall.

April 2024

The attendees of an RFU first-aid course held at Plymouth Albion RFC. During the course, the charity organised for food and drink to be provided as well as paying for the majority of the attendees to complete the course.

November 2023

Over 6 weeks the charity fully funded professional rugby coach Ben Russel of Benefit Elite Coaching, to complete sessions at UTC school.

January - February 2024

With the new tackle height law variations in the community game, Rob has attended multiple clubs to discuss the changes with players, coaches & parents.

September 2023


Equipment Donations


Programs & Events